1-2-1 Puppy Training
For puppies under 6 months old
Pre -Puppy Package
Start your puppy off on the right paw before you even bring your pup home. This puppy training package is perfect if you are just about to get a puppy and need some help and advice on how to make them feel welcome and safe.
Pre puppy video call (1 hour)
Dealing with the first day, night and week
Toilet training
Biting & mouthing
Crate training
Prevent Jumping up
How to puppy proof your home
Settling your puppy
How to prepare your puppy to be home alone
3 x 1 hour training sessions
Socialisation and habituation
Stop chewing and biting
Loose lead walking
Sit, down, stay, drop and leave
How to play with your puppy
How to stop unwanted behaviour
How to help your puppy be calm
Puppy Training package
Puppies start learning from the day they are born, so why not help your puppy to learn the rules of the house and to settle them into a toilet schedule. Puppies can't go out to puppy classes until they have had their second vaccination. This can take up to 6 weeks! In this crucial time your puppy needs to learn basic manners, how to play without biting their owners skin and much more.
4 x 1 hour training sessions
How dogs learn
Toilet training
Biting & mouthing
Stop chewing
Crate training
Prevent Jumping up
Loose lead walking
Sit, down, stay, leave it and drop
How to play with your puppy
How to stop unwanted behaviours
How to help your puppy be calm
Management around the house
How to Socialise your puppy
How to prepare your puppy to be home alone
You will receive a emailed training repost after every session and step by step training videos as well as text and email support up to 2 weeks after our last video training session.
Puppy one off session
Puppies can start learning from the day they are born, so why not help your puppy to learn the rules of the house and to settle them into a toilet schedule. Puppies can't go out to puppy classes until they have had their second vaccination. This can take up to 4 weeks! In this crucial time your puppy needs to learn basic manners, how to play without biting their owners and much more.
1.5 hour private session
How dogs learn
Toilet training
Biting & mouthing
Crate training
Prevent Jumping up
How to play with your puppy
Management around the house
How to Socialise your puppy
How to prepare your puppy to be home alone