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Puppy Class Week 3

Keep your training sessions short. 2 - 5minutes  3 times a day

Eye Contact

Eye contact outside:

The best way to keep your dog engaged with you while out on a walk is to reward them every time they choose to give you eye contact! 

Don't prompt him, just wait for your dog to choose to check in. As soon as they do mark it by saying "good" or "yes" then wait for them to come over to you for a food reward.

Loose lead walking

Follow my foot:

Teach your puppy that good things happen when they follow your foot. If your right handed then place a treat next to your left foot. If you are left handed then place a treat by your right foot.

  1. Place a treat on the floor next to your foot.

  2. Wait for your puppy to reach your foot.

  3. Take one step forward.

  4. Place another treat on the floor

Repeat steps 1-4. 

Sit Stay

Door Manners:

Over the last week you've been busy working on your sit-stays. Now We are going to give them a practical application. We're going to work on having your dog in a sit-stay whilst you open the door. We want your dog  to learn that just because the door is opening that does not mean they can barge straight through. You need to work quite carefully and incrementally through the process.

  1. Ask for a sit - stay.

  2. Touch the door handle, feed the dog for staying in position.

  3. Press the door handle down, feed the dog for staying in position.

  4. Press the door handle right down, feed the dog for staying in position.

  5. Open the door slightly, feed the dog for staying in position.

  6. Open the door more, feed the dog for staying in position.

and so on until the door is fully open. Then close the door and start again. Once your dog is reliably staying in a sit position while the door is open and you can step out of the door and back again then you can use your release cue. 


Settle position:

Some puppies love to be groomed others might find it a bit overhelming and will try to bit the brush. We want to start to pair the brush with being in a settle position.

Step one:

  1. Place your puppy's mat down

  2. Lure your puppy onto the mat.

  3. Place a small handful of treats on the mat in-beteen their paws.

  4. Brush once.

  5. Remove the brush.

  6. Place two treats on the mat in-between their paws.

  7. Repeat steps 4-6

If your puppy tries to chew the brush or gets up. Remove the brush. Wait for them to settle back down again. When they do. Place a treat on the mat then follow steps 4-6.


Bottles in a box:

This is a great enrichment game to build confidance.


Downloadable work sheets:

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